In 2017, the City of San Diego Airports Division (City) embarked on a master planning process to define the vision and provide the necessary framework to guide future airport development at the Montgomery-Gibbs Executive and Brown Field Municipal airports for the next 20 years. The process included technical studies and was informed by community and stakeholder feedback gathered through a series of public workshops and Advisory Committee meetings. The resulting proposed Airport Master Plan (Plan) for each airport includes a report of existing conditions, a forecast of aviation activity, facility requirements needed to accommodate the forecasted aviation activity, development and evaluation of alternatives to meet those needs, an environmental overview and a phased funding plan for that development. The Plans also include an Airport Layout Plan (ALP).
Airport Layout Plan (ALP): A scaled drawing (or set of drawings) of current and future airport facilities within the 20-year planning period. This drawing requires approval by the FAA, which makes the airport eligible to receive federal funding for airport improvements and maintenance.
Program Environmental Impact Report
The City is preparing a Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for each Plan to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the proposed Airport Master Plans, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of a PEIR is to provide government agencies and the public with detailed information about the effects and cumulative impacts that a series of proposed activities may have on the environment. Beyond identifying environmental effects, a PEIR also identifies ways to avoid, minimize or mitigate those effects.
More information about the PEIR(s), including opportunities to participate in the CEQA process, can be found under the CEQA tab.